The Totally Unauthorized List
of Sybase DBCC Commands

dbcc page ( dbid, pagenum [, printopt ][, cache ][, logical ] )

Prints the contents of the specified page.

ParamDescriptionValid Values
dbid database ID  
pagenum the logical or virtual page number 
printopt (optional) print option 0 print out only the buffer header and page header (default)
1 print buffer headers, page header, each row separately and the offset table
2 print out buffer and page headers, page as a whole and the offset table.
cache (optional) handling of pages in cache 0 print out the page as found on disk
1 print out the page as found in cache if it resides in cache, otherwise retrieve the page from disk and print (default).
logical (optional) type of page 0 pagenum is taken to a virtual page number
1 pagenum is taken to be a logical page number (default)

dbcc pglinkage ( dbid, start, number, printopt, target, order )

Display the page chain, performing integrity checks during traversal.

ParamDescriptionValid Values
dbid database ID 
start page number with which to start 
number number of pages to examine, or 0 if target is specified 
printopt print option 0 display only the count of pages scanned
1 display information about the last 16 pages scanned
2 display all page numbers in the scan
target the particular page we are looking for, or 0 if number is specified Specifying a target will continue to search in the specified direction until the target page or the end of the chain is found.
ordertraversal order 0 descending
1 ascending

dbcc pktmemshow ( [spid] )

Lists network buffers for active processes.

spid (optional) server process ID

dbcc procbuf ( [ dbid] [, objid] [, nbufs] [, printopt ] )

Print procedure buffer headers and proc-headers from the procedure cache.

ParamDescriptionValid Values
dbid (optional) database ID 
objid (optional) object ID 
nbufs (optional) number of buffers to print 
printopt (optional) print option 0 print out only the proc buff and proc header (default)
1 print out proc buff, proc header and contents of buffer.

dbcc procdiag ( dbid, option )

Produce diagnostics on procedure buffers

ParamDescriptionValid Values
dbid database ID 
optiondiagnostic to run 0 display option menu
1 display diag bitmaps
2 display procbufs in cache
3 run summary diagnostics on entire cache

dbcc prtipage ( dbid, objid, indexid, indexpage )

Print the page number pointed to by each row on the specified index page.

dbid database ID
objid object ID
indexid index ID
indexpage the logical page number of the index page to dump

dbcc pss ( suid, spid, printopt )

Prints the contents of the specified PSS structure.

ParamDescriptionValid Values
suid (optional) server user ID  
spid (optional) server process ID 
printopt print option 0 standard output
1 all open DES's and current sequence tree
2 print all locks held by the process to the errorlog.

dbcc rebuild_log ( dbname, rebuild, all )

Generates a new log containing a single checkpoint record.

ParamDescriptionValid Values
dbname database name  
rebuild rebuild log flag 0 do not create a new log
1 create a new log
all remove log flag 0 old preserved log removed
1 old preserved and new log removed

dbcc rebuildextents ( dbid, objid, indexid, sort, override )

Rebuild an object's extent chain.

ParamDescriptionValid Values
dbid database ID 
objid object ID 
indexid index ID 
sort state of the sort bit 0 sorted
1 not sorted
override override option 0 rebuild only if database is not open
1 rebuild even though database is already open

dbcc reindex ( tablename )

Rebuilds indexes.

tablename table whose indexes are to be rebuilt

dbcc remap ( objid, dbname, 1 )

Remaps a stored proc, trigger, rule, default, or view to be compatible with release 10.0.

objid object ID
dbname database name

dbcc report_al [( dbname )]

Report on differences between allocation bitmaps and page chains.

dbname (optional) database name

dbcc resource

Print out the RESOURCE structure.

dbcc save_rebuild_log ( dbname )

Generate a new log containing a single checkpoint record and preserve old log extents by changing the object ID.

dbname database name

dbcc setkeepalive (#minutes)

For use on Novell TCP/IP only.

dbcc setreplicate ( replicate_name, dbccbit )

Update the replication status of the object in cache only.

ParamDescriptionValid Values
replicate_name object name  
dbccbit new status 0 false
1 true

dbcc settrunc ( "ltm", option [, generation_num] )

Replication Server related: modifies LTM (Log Transfer Manager) information for the database. "ltm" is entered as a literal string.

OptionDescriptionValid Values
truncation option Should log be allowed to be truncated. Can be either: "valid" set log truncation off -- The server cannot truncate tran log records that have not been transferred to Rep Server yet.
"ignore" allow log to be truncated (via dump tran with no_log, etc.)
generation id option resets the database generation number to generation_num. Used to increment number after a dump restore to prevent Rep Server from rejecting transactions as duplicates "gen_id", generation_num

dbcc show_bucket ( dbid, page, lookup_type )

Look for specified page in the buffer cache.

ParamDescriptionValid Values
dbid database ID  
page logical page number of page being looked for  
lookup_type how to conduct search 1 use hash algorithm to look in the bucket the page should be in
2 scan the entire buffer cache

dbcc showtext ( db, page )

Displays text or image data contained on a specified page.

db database name or database ID
page logical page number

dbcc tab ( dbid, objid, printopt )

Prints out the contents of each data page for the given table.

ParamDescriptionValid Values
dbid database ID  
objid object ID  
printopt print option 0 print out only the page header (default)
1 print out each row separately and the offset table
2 print out the page as a whole and offset table

dbcc tablealloc ( tablename [, option][, mode] )

Check data and index pages against corresponding extent structures for a table.

ParamDescriptionValid Values
tablename table name or table ID  
option (optional) can take the following full fully check allocation
optimized check allocation pages listed in OAM (default)
fast exception report referenced but not allocated
null as optimized
mode (optional) can take the following fix fix errors on traversal (default for user tables)
nofix do not fix errors (default for system tables)

dbcc thresholds ( db )

Provides thresholds information on the database.

db database name or database ID

dbcc traceoff ( tracenum [, tracenum ] ... )

Turn off specified trace flags.

tracenum number of the trace flag to turn off

dbcc traceon( tracenum [, tracenum ] ... )

Turn on specified trace flags.

tracenum number of the trace flag to turn on

Trace flags can be the following:

Trace Flags
200 "Before" image of query tree
201 "After" image of query tree
260 To prevent "done_in_proc" messages
302 Information in index selection
310 Information in join selection
317 Complete information in join selection (voluminous)
320 Turn off join order heuristic
1204 Print out deadlock chains and victim
1205 Print out stack traces of deadlocked pids. Use in conjuction with 1204
2512 Bypass syslogs when doing checkalloc
1603 Use only standard unix calls for disk I/O
1610 Disable packet batching
3300 Display each log record as it is processed by recovery (voluminous)
3402 Do a alloc upgrade during loaddb recovery
3604 Send dbcc output to screen
3605 Send dbcc output to errorlog
3607 Do not recover any database, clear tempdb, or startup checkpoint
3608 Recover master only. Do not clear tempdb, or startup checkpoint
3609 Recover all databases. Do not clear tempdb, or startup checkpoint
3620 Do not kill infected processes
3701 Allows dropping and creating of system indexes (DANGEROUS!)
4000 Crash server at next loop for recovery testing
4012 Boot without starting up checkpoint process
4013 Place a record into errorlog each time someone logs in to the server
5101 Engine 0 will perform all disk and network I/O.
5102 Prevents engine 0 from running any non-affinitied tasks
8399 Enable descriptive names for groups (dbcc monitor)

dbcc tune ( "parameter", value [, tablename] )

Sets buildmaster parameters. Probably not necessary as of System11, where the old buildmaster parameters are now incorporated into sysconfigures (see documentation on sp_configure).

dbcc undo ( dbid, pgnum, rownum )

dbcc update_tmode ( procname, tranmode )

Update transaction-mode in both sysobjects and DES for stored procedures.

ParamDescriptionValid Values
procname stored procedure name  
tranmode transaction mode unchained

dbcc usedextents ( dbid, devtype, display )

Count or display the status of used/unused extents on specified devices.

ParamDescriptionValid Values
dbid database ID  
devtype type of device to check all show all extents
log show extents of allocation for the log
nonlog show extents of nonlog allocations
display what to report on 0 information about the extents
1 count of the extents

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